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AddColThe method adds column to the table.
AddRowThe method adds row to the table.
AssignEntityThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity.
ClearThe method clears TsgDXFAcadTable object data.
CreateInitializes a new instance of the TsgDXFAcadTable class.
DeleteColThe method deletes a specified column.
DeleteColsThe method deletes the columns from a specified column to another specified column.
DeleteRowThe method deletes a specified row.
DeleteRowsThe method deletes the rows from a specified row to another specified row.
DestroyDestroys an instance of the TsgDXFAcadTable class.
InsertColThe method inserts column into the table.
InsertRowThe method inserts row into the table.
MergeCellsThe method merges cells starting from a specified cell within a given span.
ResizeThe method changes size of the table.
SplitCellsThe method splits a specified cell.
Derived from TsgDXFInsertDescription
AssignEntityThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity.
AttribThe method returns the ATTRIB entity with given tag specified by S, and its insertion point.
CreateCreates an instance of the TsgDXFInsert class object.
DestroyFrees up all internal objects before destroying this object.
EntNameThe method returns TsgDXFBlock.Name or returns TsgDXFEntity.EntName.
FindBlockThe method returns the TsgDXFBlock entity specified by the AName parameter if exists.
GetMatrixThe method returns a coordinate-transformation matrix.
RealColorThe method inserts a specified entity to a list at a position specified by AIndex.
RealLayerThe method returns AColor.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
CloneThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity (include Handle).
DrawThe method generates the OnDraw event.
GetBoxPointsThe method is used in drawing cycle for fast checking whether the entity must be drawn.
GetThicknessThe method returns entity's thickness.
SetLTypeThe method sets line type of the entity.
SetLWeightThe method sets line weight width of the entity.